Reiki Healing Course in Dwarka
Reiki Healing Course At Sangeeta Healing Temples
Reiki is a Japanese technique of healing by hand. The Reiki healing course in Dwarka was probably first delivered by the descendants of Dr. Usui. Dr . Usui was a Saint in Japan who is supposed to have rediscovered Reiki in Japan.
Reiki healing centers started opening in various parts of the globe by guru Shishya Parampara of Dr. Usui who laid the foundation of modern reiki healing treatment. The Reiki healing in Dwarka is becoming popular amongst the elite class of Delhi as it is a noninvasive healing therapy.
Your Reiki healing is performed by a healer who has got reiki attunement from a certified reiki grandmaster In Dwarka, Delhi. We at Sangeeta Healing Temples offer all the reiki levels, from the Reiki level 1 course to the Reiki grandmaster course in Dwarka.
A Brief Introduction About Sangeeta Healing Temples
Sangeeta Healing Temples was started by Ms. Sangeeta Gupta, a spiritual seeker who has made a lot of difference to thousands of people across the globe, especially those in Dwarka who took a Reiki healing course in Dwarka.
It started in 1994 and was originally named School of Holistic Healing. Sangeeta Healing Temples were also pioneers in starting a money reiki course previously known as the Money Mantra Course. You can visit the website
Thousands of people benefitted from money, self-development, confidence, relationships, and health. The reiki workshops were specially designed for individuals and groups such that they could work on their issues.
Many corporations schools and colleges have organized workshops for their people to enhance their productivity and efficiency through reiki workshops and the power of positive thinking.
What is the Duration of the Reiki Healing Workshop Dwarka?
The reiki classes in Dwarka are held often online as well as offline Reiki Healing Course in Delhi. The first Reiki level one is of a one-day duration that can take up to four hours. The second reiki degree is of three to four hours.
What Will You Learn in the Reiki Healing Course Dwarka?
People have queries about what is the content of the reiki healing course in Dwarka. Generally, we at Sangeeta Healing Temples conduct a reiki beginners class for two days. We teach reiki level 1 & reiki level 2 on two consecutive days.
Reiki level 1 is about introducing you to the meaning of reiki and, the history of reiki. People love to hear about the story of how Dr. Usui was introduced to reiki and the spreading of esoteric knowledge to the common man. In earlier days it was not easy to learn the reiki healing energy concept so easily. The reiki teachers were scarce.
Reiki Beginners Class
Then in the afternoon, you are introduced to how the thought energy works on a human being. The relationship between energy and thought intention is very important to learn in a reiki class in Dwarka. The reiki energy flows where your thought energy goes. These laws of reiki energy healing are a very important part of the reiki healing course In Dwarka.
Next comes a deep understanding of reiki principles and their influence on the human body. Each reiki principle taught by Dr. Usui is of great value to every reiki healer in Dwarka. There are five principles of reiki that the reiki healer should take on practicing in his life.
What are the Reiki principles?
The philosophy of Reiki is established in five principles. These standards give direction for mending and balancing your Reiki vitality. Let’s see at each one more closely.
The first Reiki Principle Says:
Just for today, I will not be angry.
Anger produces toxins in the body. The breathing patterns change when one gets angry. A person about to get initiated into being a reiki level one channel should rigorously practice this principle in his daily life. Anger will hinder the flow of reiki healing energy because then the healer will block the flow. So one must take the oath of not being angry today.
The Second Reiki Principle Says:
Just for today, I will not worry.
Whenever a person is worrying, it is about the future. Worry creates anxiety and depression in a person. By taking on this principle in life you are letting go of your fears regarding the future. The future is something that is not tangible and one can never live it. You can only plan for the future and let go of fear or expectation of the result.
This principle resonates with Lord Krishna’s teachings of Gita. As he says in Gita Updesh do your duty and leave the rest to me. I Lord Krishna will decide what result you will get. So stop worrying and live in the present moment of life. A reiki practitioner In Dwarka needs to submerge himself into this reiki principle. The healer has the right to give reiki healing to his patient but reiki, the divine energy governs the results of his healing.
The Third Reiki Principle Says:
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
By practising this principle you are being true and honest to reiki energy which is the divinity of gods. When you do your work with integrity, you create trust in your patients. By being true to yourself you get confidence in yourself. You become a proud human being who is reliable. This builds positive energy in a reiki healer. A reiki practitioner when being true to self will have very powerful reiki energy flow from his hands.
The fourth Reiki Principle Says:
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
By practicing kindness, you create empathy for fellow beings on this planet. Reiki healing promotes kindness and compassion in a reiki healer in Dwarka. A reiki grandmaster should put a lot of emphasis on this reiki principle. Reiki energy flows to the hands from the heart chakra. If the heart chakra is full of kindness then the reiki energy flow magnifies manifolds from the healer’s hands.
The Fifth Most Important Reiki Principle Says:
Just for today, I will give many thanks for my blessings.
It is called the attitude of gratitude. The Reiki healing energy flows to where your attention is. If a reiki therapist stays in an attitude of gratitude, her life starts to transform spiritually. Living in a space of gratitude enhances reiki energy flow to the hand. It also activates all the chakras through which the reiki healing divine energy flows. If the reiki healer in Dwarka focuses on being thankful for everything, more prosperity flows into his life. It is the law of nature and we can also call it the law of attraction.
After discussing the principles of reiki, we move further to knowledge about chakras.
The 7 chakras in the body
After discussing the reiki principles you move on to seven chakras in the body in our reiki class in Dwarka. The reiki teacher works on each chakra color and sound. One can also include each crystal that is important for each chakra but knowledge of crystals is optional in a reiki healing course in Dwarka.
Reiki Attunement:
After doing a meditation for the students the next process of a reiki workshop is reiki attunements. Attunement is the spiritual process of connecting the spiritual seeker to the reiki healing energy of the divine consciousness. It is a secret and a sacred process that is only revealed to the reiki practitioner who goes for serious reiki to higher levels of becoming a reiki grandmaster.
21 days of self-healing process:
After the reiki attunement is done by the reiki grandmaster the person lies down for a while to absorb the reiki energy. Then the teacher explains the process of 7 days of reiki healing for self. You need to lie down and close your eyes while doing the process of reiki self-healing.
One has to lay cupped-shaped palms on each of the chakras for three to five minutes. The problem area of a person has to be given reiki healing for at least 15 minutes. If it is chronic then one has to be patient and persistent. Reiki healing energy can disappear many diseases. This 21 days of cleansing makes a reiki healer proficient in understanding and working with healing.
One can reiki level 1 by saying a gratitude prayer to the gods and spiritual guides whose presence showed the reiki students’ path of spirituality. This ends the reiki level 1 class. Many teachers these days are doing a lot of variations in the course content of the reiki course.
My Advice to Them is Not To Do
My advice to them is not to do so. A lot of reiki grandmasters unknowingly bring in symbols, aura cleansing, and a lot of unwanted therapy in the reiki class which confuses a student. It is not required to mingle with other therapies. A reiki tradition of Dr. Usui’s teachings should in maintained in their pure pristine form.
A Reiki healing course Dwarka is a must for every household. There should be a reiki healer in every home. A lot of diseases will not happen if one is aware of how to work on body, mind, and soul healing with reiki. I assert that diseases and misery can be eliminated from this planet if one learns the art of reiki healing in Dwarka.